Saint Anthimus of Rome – 11 May – Saint Of The Day

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Saint Anthimus of Rome. An early Christian and a priest. An evangelist and a martyr. Patron saint of Sant’Antimo near Naples, Italy.

Saint Antimus of Rome was a Christian priest who lived in the late 3nd century and died in 303 AD. Not much is known about his life and what is known is mostly a legend. Because he was a Christian and a priest he was imprisoned and while in prison he converted to Christianity the ruler of the city where the prison was located. The ruler freed Antimus and helped him hide in the governor’s villa.

During his life he converted many Roman citizens to Christianity and is credited with countless miracles. Accused of discrediting one of the Roman dieties, Antimus thrown into the river Tiber with a stone around his neck. The legend says that he was miraculously rescued by an angel, then captured again and then beheaded. 

Iconography – a palm branch, a book and the priest’s attire