Elena Prosperi – Sacred Art Of Light, Passion And Emotions

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Elena Prosperi is Florentine contemporary artist whose works of sacred art are dynamic, emotional and sensual. Graduate from Sacred Art School in Florence.

Elena Prosperi is Florentine contemporary artist whose works of sacred art are dynamic, emotional and sensual. Graduated from the Sacred Art School Florence and Art Institute of Porta Romana, Elena shows a solid painting technique based on her deep and varied art experience. 

Her artistic space extends from mosaic portraits to iconography in the traditional style of Orthodox icons. Elena’s works fascinate with their realism, which is enhanced by emotional meaning and profound depth of each artwork. Biblical and religious themes of love and compassion, victory and peace, divine motherhood and devotion can be seen in many of her works.

The artist’s works seem to reveal the character and essence of the artist herself. Each of Elena’s works seems to quote its author.

Therefore, in the realism of compositions seemingly familiar to sacred art, a new emotion is revealed, which comes from the inner world of the artist himself. This is what makes Elena’s works so close, understandable, and intimate.

Elena Prosperi has a studio workshop “La Bottega d’Arte di Elena Prosperi” which is open to anyone, both professional artists and beginners, children and adults who are passionate for visual arts.

Elena Prosperi

Instagram: Elena Prosperi Art