Sardinia – Faith And Sacred Art Restoration In Parish Vergine Della Salute

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In the urban district of Poetto, the Beata Vergine della Salute Parish stands out not only as a place of prayer, but as a monument of inestimable value, a point of reference for the neighborhood and for the community of faithful who frequent it.

Now, at the end of a long-awaited and significant restoration, this architectural gem returns to show itself in all its splendor. The building stands out for its imposing spire, an element that stands out in the sky of Cagliari like a finger pointing towards infinity. The facade, a triumph of exposed bricks, celebrates Sardinian culture with its geometric motifs that echo the weaving of local carpets, a weaving of symbols that tells stories of a land bathed by the Mediterranean. Inside, the gaze is captured by the grandeur of the altarpiece, an 85 square meter fresco which, inaugurated in 2013, is the beating heart of the parish’s sacred art. With the conclusion of the restoration work, this masterpiece finds new life, a splendor that, for too long, had remained obscured by the inevitable wear and tear of time. 
Parrocchia "Vergine della Salute"
Parish “Vergine della Salute”
The renovation project, financed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Municipality of Cagliari, under the careful guidance of Engineer Giorgio Granara and Architect Noemi Migliavacca, saw the company IN.CO. Unipersonal to transform into an artisan of the sacred. The work restored the baptismal font and sacred spaces to their ancient decoration, enhancing the mastery of the craftsmen and the sacredness of the space. 
With an investment of €150,000.00, the restoration has redeemed every centimeter of the structure: from the works aimed at enhancing the retable, to the elimination of obsolete systems, up to the restoration of plaster and painting. The intervention reached the heart of the cornices, reclaiming the materials and protecting the reinforcing irons from the advance of carbonation. The conclusion of the works marks a new beginning for the parish, a new chapter that inextricably links history, art and devotion. 
The Blessed Virgin of Health is ready to tell new stories, to witness new promises, to once again become the crossroads of glances and prayers. The community of Poetto and Cagliari can now embrace a place not only restored in matter, but reborn in spirit. The renewed splendor of the Beata Vergine della Salute Parish is an invitation to rediscover the importance of sacred places, as spaces of aggregation, culture and faith, where art becomes a mediator between the divine and the human, between heaven and the earth, between the past and the future.
Restoration, thus, becomes a metaphor for a community that looks forward without forgetting where it comes from, that values ​​its roots while extending its branches towards tomorrow. And in respecting this delicate balance, the Blessed Virgin of Health confirms itself as a lighthouse and guide, memory and prophecy, for all those who seek, in the beauty and silence of its naves, the answer to a need that is, at the same time, human and transcendent.

Parrocchia “Vergine della Salute”