Florence – Hidden Masterpieces Of Ghirlandaio Family In Scandicci

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Sacred art for Domenico Ghirlandaio was depicting contemporary life and portraits of contemporary people in a religious context. He was popular and loved during the Florentine Renaissance. Michelangelo went to Ghirlandaio’s “art school”. Some of his masterpieces are “well hidden” just outside of Florence – in Scandicci.

by Leonardo Colicigno Tarquini

Rivers of ink have been spilled on the Ghirlandaio family and their artistic activity; yet not everyone knows that a city like Scandicci preserves several masterpieces by Domenico, his son Ridolfo and their collaborators.


Church of San Martino alla Palma

Via di Calcinaia 48

According to some information we have, this church was a place of religious gatherings for a group of lay people. As time passed, this group, called  “Delle Laudi”, chose the mystery of the Assumption of the Virgin as the center of their contemplative practices. This led to the change of the name of the group. I1531, the Archbishop of Florence, Giovanni Battista Paganucci approved their new name – the Company of Santa Maria Assunta of San Martino alla Palma.

In 1542 the monks of the monastery of Badia di Settimo gave the members of the Assunta Company the rights to use some of the land to build a church. Around the time of the construction of the building, an altarpiece was installed by Giorgio Vasari with the artwork of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio and his favorite pupil, Michele Tosini. Today this painting is preserved in the sacristy of the church.

The altarpiece of San Martino alla Palma depicts the Virgin seated on a throne of clouds, elevated above the four saints arranged laterally. Two hooded monks, representing the Assunta company, are kneeling at the sides of a sarcophagus full of roses. One of them is depicted with a whip used during self-flagellation, which would appear to be made of leather or dark rope. On the fron side of the sarcophagus we see a small monochrome image that reminds on the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Assumption between Saints and Two Kneeling Monks by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio and Michele Tosini


Church of San Colombano

Via San Colombano 119

The first mention of the church dates back to the 13th century. Inside you can find a well-preserved panel from the circles of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio. The painting on the panel dates back to the beginning of the 16th century – the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus seated on a throne. The two characters are placed in a niche, Mary is depicted while she is offering her son a pomegranate, a symbol of martyrdom.


sacred art,
Mary with Baby Jesus by Circles of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio

Church of Sant’Alessandro a Giogoli

Via Sant’Alessandro a Giogoli 1


This church has a beautiful fresco which was mentioned by Vasari in one of his works. This fresco by Ghirlandaio depicts the Madonna and the Child. 


Mary with Baby Jesus by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio


Church of San Bartolomeo in Tuto

Via Gaetano Salvemini, 2/2


In the modern church of San Bartolomeo in Tuto, built in the 1970s, there is a beautiful altarpiece from the early 16th century depicting the Pietà between SS John the Evangelist, Sebastian, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Agatha and Magdalene .

sacred art florence,
Pietá by Francesco Forzetti (Dolzemele)

Leonardo Colicigno Tarquini