Madonnas Of Vatican Gardens – Special Marian Tours Of Pope’s Gardens Starting In May

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Every Wednesday and Saturday of May 2024, a month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Vatican Museums are offering special Marian Tours of the Pope’s gardens.

Nature, fountains, ancient artifacts, statues of the Virgin and saints contribute what can be defined as the “spirituality of the Vatican Gardens,” a refuge of prayer and contemplation appreciated and lived by the Successor of Peter. 

In this beautiful place, the Popes, such as John Paul II and Benedict XVI, used to take a daily walk as a moment of rest and prayer. Even Pope Francis, like his predecessors, adorned the Gardens with a statue of the Virgin of Luján, made from recycled materials to remind us that nothing is lost, nothing is discarded, but everything has meaning within the magnificent work of God. We can say that, in a sense, the garden also reflects the teachings of the Popes, and this also leaves us with an important message

In the Vatican Gardens, 18 Marian images are permanently enshrined, among which are also some painting.

The reservations for the May Marian Tours can be arranged here.