Martin Damian – The Icon Is A Window To Another World

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Martin Damian. A contemporary Czech icon painting artist. A Catholic artist who creates sacred art based on the Orthodox tradition of iconography.

Martin Damian, a contemporary Czech icon painter, studied theology and spirituality of consecrated life at the Theological Faculty of the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

In 2000 he joined the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor where he learned the art of icon painting. His contemporary style of iconography is deeply based on the Orthodox art tradition using the original techniques used in Byzantium.

His firsst icon Martin Damian has created in 2003 for his fellow brothers in the Capuchin monastery. He has been contributing with his artworks to the liturgical spaces of the largest monasteries in Czech Republic.

In 2006 he left the religious community of the Capuchin Order and in 2009 he founded an icon painting workshop in Prague.

An icon is a window into another world, a dimension, which surpasses us. To put it simply: a window into paradise. It lets us look into its mystery and, at the same time, the mystery of blessing passes through it. Not only can we look at an icon, but the icon also looks at us.

Martin Damian


Facebook: Martin Damian

YouTube: MartinDamianCZ