Our Lady Of Fátima – 13 May – Saint Of The Day

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Our Lady of Fatima. Virgin Mary as she appeared before three shepherd children near the village of Fátima, Portugal, in 1917..

Our Lady of Fatima, also known as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, one of the titles for Mary, the mother of Jesus, based on apparitions of Mary reported in 1917 to three shepherd children at in Fatima, Portugal. The names of these three children are Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Although Jacinta and Francisco died at a very young age, Lucia grew up and entered the convent as a Carmelite nun. She died in 2005 at the age of 97.

According to the children, a “lady” (later associated with Virgin Mary) appeared to them many times and conveyed messages with religious appeals and prophecies (concerning the fate of the world and Russia). 

The main message of Our Lady of Fatima is that God would grant peace to the entire world if people will obey her requests for prayer, reparation and consecration. 


Icon of Our Lady of Fatima


Iconography symbols

In visual art Our Lady of Fatima is depicted without the Child.

In the official symbolism of Our Lady of Fatima there are no flowers but a star at the bottom of Mary’s dress. This is the star of Esther, referring to Queen Esther of the Old Testament.

Often Our Lady of Fatima is depicted appearing above the bushes or trees on the cloud of light.

Three children are also often depicted in paintings together with Our Lady of Fatima.