Pope Francis At Venice 2024 Biennale – “The World Needs Artists!”

Share the Beauty of Art

The first Papal visit to the international art exhibition Venice 2024 Beinnale. Pope Francis thanks artists for their endeavours and encourages young people to color the world.

During the pastoral visit to northern Italy on April 28, 2024 Pope Francis met with artists, participants of the Venice 2024 Biennale. It was the first Papal visit to the international art exhibition in Venice. He also met with inmates at the Giudecca Women’s Prison facility and with young people at the Basilica of St Mary of Good Health, followed by Mass in St. Mark’s Square, the recitation of the Regina Coeli, and a visit in the Basilica of St Mark to venerate the relics of the Saint.

While visiting the the Pavilion of the Holy See of the Biennale Pope Francis thanked artists for their artistic endeavours:

“Last June I had the joy of welcoming a large group of artists to the Sistine Chapel. Now it’s me who comes to your home to meet you personally, to feel even closer to you and, in this way, to thank you for what you are and what you do. And at the same time from here I would like to send this message to everyone: the world needs artists. This is demonstrated by the multitude of people of all ages who frequent art places and events.”Pope Francis

Photo by Bloomberg


That same morning Pope Francis met also with young people in Venice in the square in front of the Basilica of St Mary of Good Health. Speaking to young people, the Pope recalled that we have all received the great gift of being God’s beloved children and are therefore called to share His joy with others.


“Open your heart to God, thank Him, and embrace the beauty that you are; fall in love with your life. Then go! Go out, and walk together with others. Look for those who are alone, color the world with your creativity, and paint the streets of life with the Gospel. Arise and go!” – Pope Francis

The Holy See Pavilion at the Venice 2024 Biennale is located in the women’s prison and it presents a new and unprecedented reality for the world renown exhibition. At the pavilion, he object of discussion is art, poetry, humanity, and caring.

The title Con i miei occhi (With my eyes) is taken from a fragment of poetry that echoes an ancient sacred text and an Elizabethan poem.

“I do not love thee with mine eyes” (Shakespeare, Sonnet 141) resonates with 42:5 of the Book of Job: “now mine eye seeth thee”. A cross-fade, gradually becoming an action where seeing is synonymous with touching, with the gaze, embracing with the eye, bringing sight and perception into a dialogue with each other.

Everything in the pavilion is the result of an energy that defies artistic and prison conventions, where pragmatic projects intertwine with the creativity of usually parallel worlds that are foreign to each other, in keeping with the multifaceted dialogue proposed by Pope Francis.

Words and images are brought together by the female prisoners, artists and poets who contribute to the artistic and historical narration of the place, where visitors will be accompanied by female prisoners–conferencers. The project opens up novel and unexpected visions of social and artistic dynamics, defying prejudice and convention, reflecting on the power structures within art and within institutions.


The highlights of Papal visit to Venice on April 28, 2024