Roberto Ferri – Contemporary Artist Who Interprets Feelings In Caravaggio Style

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Roberto Ferri. Inspired by Baroque and old masters of Romanticism. Author of one of the official portraits of the Pope. The interpreter of feelings.

Roberto Ferri. Photo:

Roberto Ferri is a visual artist/painter from Taranto, Italy, who is deeply inspired by Baroque painters (Caravaggio in particular) and other old masters of Romanticism, the Academy, and Symbolism.

In his works the realism is intertwined with the surrealism, the mysticism is touching the sacred and the gloomy mood Disappears illuminated by Caravaggio’s light. 

Roberto Ferri can be called a “well decorated” artist because under his belt he has numerous exhibitions, participation in the 54th Venice Biennale, numerous art fairs in Miami, New York and all over the world, and the creation of the official portrait of Pope Francis.

“In reality my goal is not to lead the observer towards good or evil . I am an interpreter: I interpret what I feel and what I am experiencing in that moment. It’s as if there were a filter, everything I feel and experience is filtered onto the work . Clearly there is all the influence of good and evil, which can be seen through those symbols that I insert. I send messages through my works, but I do not try to teach the right path” (Roberto Ferri in an interview for KosmoMagazine)

A Note to Academic Path

Roberto Ferri graduated from the Liceo Artistico Lisippo Taranto in 1996, a local art school in his hometown. He began to study painting on his own and moved to Rome in 1999, to increase research on ancient painting, beginning at the end of the 16th century, in particular. In 2006, he graduated with honors from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

Instagram: robertoferri_official
Facebook: Roberto Ferri