Saint Abbondius of Como – Saint Of The Day – 15 April

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Saint Abbondius of Como. A diplomat and a missionary. Author of Christian hymns. Patron saint of Como.

Abbondius was a bishop of Como in Northern Italy. Unfortunately the date and place of birth of Abbondius are not known. The tradition reports that he was a native of Thessalonica . The fact that his name is of Latin origin does not cast doubt on this circumstance, since similar names were relatively widespread even among the Eastern Romans. Abbondius certainly knew Greek very well .

Around 448 Abbondius became the fourth Bishop of Como.

 He participated in two councils – the Council of Constantinople in 448 and the Council of Milan in 452.

He was a diplomat and a missionary. Abbondius is one of those to whom the authorship of the Te Deum, one of the traditional Latin Christian hymns, is attributed.


In Como, Saint Abbondio, Bishop, who was sent to Constantinople by Pope Saint Leo the Great and zealously defended the right faith

Roman Martyrology