Saint Agnes Of Montepulciano – Saint Of The Day – 20 April

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Saint Agnes of Montepulciano. A “Little Lamb”. A Dominican nun who experienced visions and worked miracles.

St Agnes of Montepulciano by Unknown Dominican nun

Agnes of Montepulciano (1268–1317)  was a superior in a Dominican monastery in Tuscany, Italy. In her teens, Agnes joined the Franciscans in Montepulciano and rose to become its prioress.

She was known for her remarkably excessive spirit of penance. She also experienced visions and worked miracles to feed the sisters when there was not enough food.

 In 1306, she founded a Dominican convent only… with three stones given her by the Mother of God. Three stones were a symbol of the honor of the Trinity. Agnes was often having visions of the Blessed Mother. On one of these occasions she allowed Agnes to hold the Christ Child but Agnes showed great reluctance in giving him back.

It’s said about her that despite her fame she remained a simple woman.

Agnes died in 1317 and was canonized in 1726.

St Agnes of Montepulciano is depicted as a Dominican nun with a cross or crucifix, three stones, lilies, and a lamb (Lat. “agnus”  for “lamb”).