Saint Catherine Of Siena – 29 April – Saint Of The Day

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St Catherine of Siena. A mystic and an activist. A theological writer and a “Doctor of the Church”.

Caterina di Jacopo di Benincasa (1347–1380), known as Catherine of Siena, an Italian mystic and pious laywoman who was involved in papal and Italian politics through extensive letter-writing and advocacy activities. She was canonized in 1461. She is often called the Doctor of the Church due to her extensive theological writings. She is also believed to have influenced Italian literature.

Symbols in visual arts: stigmata, cross, ring, lily, habit of the Dominican order


sacred art, arte sacra,
St Catherine of Siena by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770)
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena by Giovanni di Paolo (Siena–1482)
St Catherine of Siena by Volterrano (1611–1690)
Saint Catherine of Siena by Rutilio Manetti (1571–1639)
St Catherine of Siena by Gwyneth Holston (contemporary)