Saint Felix Of Nicosia – Sacred Art Iconography – 31 May Saint Of The Day

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Saint Felix Of Nicosia. A Sicilian and a Capuchin friar. A beggar and an illiterate. Able to bilocate and blessed with the gift of healing.

Filippo Giacomo Amoroso (1715–1787), an Italian Capuchin known as Felice di Nicosia (or Felix of Nicosia in English), was born in Sicily and as a child he was working as an apprentice of a shoemaker whose workshop was near the Capuchin monastery. So, very early Filippo became familiar with the monks and their lifestyle.

At the age of 20 he tried to join the Order as a lay brother but was not accepted because he was illiterate. As a matter of fact, his application was rejected several times. After eight years of trying he finally was accepted into the Order. He received the name Brother Felix (in honor of the first Capuchin saint).

His position in the monastery was the one of the quaestor, which meant wandering around the region to collect alms to support the monks and their work. Every day he knocked on doors, inviting people to share their prosperity.

Even when he was beaten, he always said “Thank you! May it be for the love of God.”

He was blessed with the gift of healing both physical and spiritual illnesses, and he enjoyed caring for the sick. He was also able to bilocate. 

For many years he lived in the monastery under the guardian who humiliated him mercilessly with the an excuse of the sanctification.

He died at the age of 72.

He was so devoted to his vow of obedience that even to die he asked permission for from the monastery guardian.

Iconography – An older man with the grey beard, wearing a Capuchin friar attire (brown tunic with hood) and holding a beggar’s bag. Saint Felix of Nicosia can be also depicted with lilies, angels, rosary, image of the Virgin.

Felice di Nicosia by Unknown (19th century)
San Felice di Nicosia by Unknown
San Felice di Nicoscia Cappucino by Unknwon