Saint Isidore The Farmer – 15 May – Saint Of The Day

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Saint Isidore the Farmer. A Spanish worker and patron saint of farmers, Madrid and Honduras.

Isidore the Farmer (real name Isidro de Merlo y Quintana, 1070–1130), a Spanish agricultural worker, was born in Madrid into a very poor but very pious family. Since childhood, he worked helping people in nearby villages with housework and on farms. He was married and had one son. His son died in the young age but was something in his life that transformed Isidore’s attitude towards marriage.

One time, his son fell into a deep well. Isidore and his wife started praying and the water of the well has risen miraculously to the level of the ground, bringing the child with it. As a sign of gratitude, Isidore and his wife then vowed sexual abstinence and started living in separate houses.

Isidore was known for his piety towards the poor and animals. He is the Catholic patron of farmers, Madrid and Honduras.

In Spanish – San Isidro Labrador (from the verb labrar  –”to till”, “to plow”, “to work the land”)

Recently, in 2022, a forensic study of his remains was made. Isidore died of natural reasons, however, strangely enough, a coin with a lion was found in the throat. Researchers also have stated that he died at the age of 35-45 years old and that his skull has predominantly African features. 

438 is the number of miracles attributed to Saint Isidore the Farmer. 

Saint Isidore the Farmer is often portrayed as a peasant holding a sickle and a sheaf of corn. He might also be shown: with a sickle and staff – as an angel plows for him – with an angel and white oxen near him. In Spanish sacred art his symbols are a spade and/or a plough.
St Isidore the Farmer by Donald A. Hegwood (1931–2016)