Saint John Baptist De La Salle – Saint Of The Day – 7 April

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Saint John Baptist De La Salle. Truly a giant in the history of pedagogy. Patron saint of educators and teachers.

John Baptist de La Salle (1651–7 April 1719 ) was a French priest and pedagogist. Patron of educators and teachers, his method has ensured quality education for students over the centuries. His innovations in the educational field were so important that he is considered a giant in the history of pedagogy.

De la Salle was the founder of the first lay congregation in the history of the Catholic Church, he contributed to standardizing educational practices in France. He wrote various works on the mission of education – a catechism, texts on “good manners” and handbooks for teachers and students. He became the catalyst and source of many other religious congregations dedicated to education founded in the 18th and 19th centuries .

The cornerstone of his method:

“Make them pray together and live according to Jesus Christ”.

Here are some educational innovations he implemented revolutionized pedagogy in France:

      • the lessons became not individual but done in a class;
      • students learned to read in French and not in Latin (it means that he gave priority to the mother tongue over the Latin language in learning to read, contrary to the practice of the time);
      • he wanted primary education to be free in the schools he had founded;
      • he founded the Normal Schools , which he called “seminars for country teachers”, so that the first and fundamental need of the school was guaranteed: the moral and cultural preparation of teachers;
      • he was the first to organize evening and Sunday schools for young workers;
      • he was the creator of what became modern technical, commercial and professional teaching.

In visual art St John Baptist de la Salle does not have particular attributes. However, he is often portrayed surrounded by children or students.