Saint Benjamin Of Persia – Saint Of The Day: March 31

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A young Persian deacon who was imprisoned and killed for his will to preach about Christ.

Benjamin was a deacon under the bishop Abdas and lived in Persia (Iran) during the reign of two Persian kings who have persecuted Christians for 40 years. The persecution started when the bishop burned down the temple of the Persian god of the fire (which was the central god in Persian culture of that time). The current king made an example of Abdas by torturing and killing him.

Benjamin was also arrested, beaten until he almost died, and then was thrown into prison indefinitely. A year later, the emperor at Constantinople sent a representative to Persia to convince the king that Benjamin would repent and do no harm if released from the prison.

The king agreed to release Benjamin on the condition – that he stops preaching about Christ to the people of Persia. So, Benjamin was released from the prison without knowing about this condition for his release. When he found out about the terms of his release he refused to adhere to the conditions and immediately began teaching Christian faith openly in public places.

He was arrested again and brought before the king who gave him an opportunity to renounce his religion. Benjamin replied to the king by comparing his (Benjamin’s) faith with people’s loyalty to the king.

Benjamin asked the king what would the king do if the people under him were forced to betray him and become traitors?

The king was not convinced and ordered to torture the deacon by forcing sharpened splinters of wood under his nails… Benjamin died in the year of 424.

His Feast day is on March 31. He is venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.