Saint Rita of Cascia – 22 May – Saint Of The Day

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Saint Rita of Cascia. An Italian widow and an Augustinian nun. Patroness of Impossible Causes and a bearer of partial stigmata. Patron saint of victims of violence and infertility.

Margherita Ferri Lotti / Rita of Cascia (1381–1457) was an Italian widow and Augustinian nun who joined the Augustinian community of religious sisters after the death of her husband and her two sons. While in marriage, Rita was a model wife who made efforts to convert her husband from his abusive behavior. For 18 years of her marriage she endured his insults and physical abuse. 

She was known both for the practice of mortification of the flesh and for her prayers. Various miracles are attributed to her intercession, and she is often depicted with a bleeding wound on her forehead, which is believed to indicate partial stigmata.

She is the patroness of infertility, victims of violence, loneliness, difficulties in marriage, parenthood, widows, the sick, bodily ailments and wounds.
Iconography – An Augustinian nun although wearing brown robes and white veil of the Monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene from the 13th century – A nun holding a thorn (a symbol of her penance and stigmata) or a crown of thorns – Holding a large crucifix, often with roses. She may also have a wound on her forehead, may be holding a palm leaf with three crowns (symbol of her two sons and husband who died) – surrounded by two small children (her sons) – holding a Gospel – holding a skull (symbol of mortality) and holding flagellum whip (symbol of mortification)