Saint Simeon of Jerusalem – Saint Of The Day – 27 April

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Saint Simeon of Jerusalem. A Jewish Christian and a martyr. A cousin of Jesus. The second bishop of Jerusalem after James.

Simeon was one of the first followers of Jesus. As it’s the case for many early Christian saints, the information about his birth, life and dead is very limited in detail. However, Simeon was a nephew of Saint Joseph which makes him also a nephew of Mary, mother of Jesus, and therefore a cousin of Jesus. It’s believed that Simeon was about nine years older than Jesus. 

Simeon had a first-hand knowledge of the Incarnate God and had the privilege of being a witness and a participant of Jesus’ miracles.

Simeon lived to the age of over 100 years and died as a martyr by crucifixion in 107 or 117 AD.

The crucifix with Saint Simeon on the cross wearing the bishop’s garments and showing the nail wounds on his hands is one of the main symbols of the saint in the iconography.

Saint Simeon of Jerusalem is often confused with Simeon, the old man who met Mary and Joseph at the temple when they brought Jesus there for the rites prescribed for the child’s 40th day.

Martyrdom of Saint Simeon by Unknown artist of 11th century – Menologion of Basil II (illustrated Byzantine manuscript)