Saint Ubald – 16 May – Saint Of The Day

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Saint Ubald. A medieval bishop and a restorer of churches and monasteries. A leader of the army and a skilled negotiator. Patron saint of the city of Gubbio in Umbria and people with OCD.

Ubaldo Baldassini Gubbio (1084–1160), the only son of noble parents, was born and raised in Gubbio, Italy, by his uncle, who also happened to be a bishop of Gubbio. At the age of 30 he was ordained and made a prior of the cathedral in Gubbio.

In the city of Gubbio Ubaldo has built churches, supported the restoration of monasteries, and he himself, according to the tradition, was a perfect pattern of all Christian virtues.

In 1151, when Perugia and a other cities allied against Gubbio, Ubald became a commander of the Gubbio forces and had an overwhelming victory. Couple of years after that he also met with Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and and convinced him to spare the city and not attack it. So, for all people in Gubbio Ubald became a symbol of protection. 

Saint Ubald died on May 16th and now, every year on the eve of the anniversary of his death (15 May), the city of Gubbio (in Umbria) has big celebrations with a procession known as the Corsa dei Ceri.

Iconography symbols: Bishop giving a blessing as angels carry his crozier – Bishop delivering a blessing while a devil flees – Bishop holding a scale model of the city of Gubbio

The celebrations of Corsa dei Ceri in Gubbio, Umbria, Italy