Turin, Italy – Exhibition “Sacred is”

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From March 18 to June 16, 2024, the Merz Foundation hosts Sacred is, an exhibition featuring eight artists who explore the sacred as intimate and universal, in a communal and human dimension.

The Merz Foundation in Turin is hosting from Monday, March 18 to Sunday, June 16, 2024, the exhibition Sacro è, an exhibition project curated by Giulia Turconi in which eight young artists reflect on the concept of the “sacred,” which begins as an intimate and private manifestation and then extends into a universal and collective vision, suggesting a return to a communal and human social dimension.

Protagonists of the exhibition project are the works of Tiphaine Calmettes, Matilde Cassani, Giuseppe Di Liberto, Lena Kuzmich, Qu?nh Lâm, Tommy Malekoff, Lorenzo Montinaro and GianMarco Porru. The title of the exhibition takes its cue from a quote from Franco Arminio’s poetry collection Sacro Minore.

“The focus is on the dimension of the sacred that can be found in the grandiose ability to recognize the wonder of existence and its subterranean poetry in everyday life. Through the works in the exhibition, the desire is to return to an everyday, minuscule sacredness so that it becomes a new starting point from which to renew our gaze towards the world, which increasingly seems overwhelmed by hatred, anger and indifference,” explains curator Giulia Turconi.